Ever wanted to buy a diversified portfolio of hedge funds containing a little Eddie Lampert here, a lot of Steve Tananbaum there, some serious Phil Falcone exposure, a dash of Izzy Englander, a pinch of Howard Marks (for those oh so colorful philosophical insights - btw, Howard - we need a missive... you have been strangely silent these past few weeks), a REITful of Ackman, and topped off with a serious double helping of Feldstein, who no matter how "well" he performs (be it 2008, or the great basis convergence in 2009) investors can never seem to dump fast enough. Well now you can, compliments of the great hedge fund LP e-bay Hedgebay. The latest axes for all major hedge funds presented below.
The Hedge Fund Diversified Portfolio Discount Sale
Ever wanted to buy a diversified portfolio of hedge funds containing a little Eddie Lampert here, a lot of Steve Tananbaum there, some serious Phil Falcone exposure, a dash of Izzy Englander, a pinch of Howard Marks (for those oh so colorful philosophical insights - btw, Howard - we need a missive... you have been strangely silent these past few weeks), a REITful of Ackman, and topped off with a serious double helping of Feldstein, who no matter how "well" he performs (be it 2008, or the great basis convergence in 2009) investors can never seem to dump fast enough. Well now you can, compliments of the great hedge fund LP e-bay Hedgebay. The latest axes for all major hedge funds presented below.