Segmented action indicated a run to safety trade: the bulk of rerisking action was in Healthcare and Consumer Goods ($30 and $13 billion, respectively), while Consumer Goods, Sovereigns and Industrials saw more people buying protection.
The week saw total gross outstandings of $26.5 trillion, based on $15.3 trillion in single name CDS, flat from the prior week, while the index collapse trade has picked up again with a $1 trillion drop in gross notional over the prior week (this is big). Seems our conclusion that the index liquidation is over, was premature.

In single names, aside from the usual sovereign action (Italy, Portugal, France, Spain and Austria all getting the finger), a new name that has made a repeat appearance and that would make the CNBC pundits nervous, is General Electric Capital Corp. Not too good for CNBC parent company GE. On the rerisking side, Korea, Turkey, Fujitsu, Wells Fargo and Banco Santander rounded up the top 5. Other top 20 notables were Citi, Greece, Russia, Interval Acquisition, Toll and JC Penney.