Monday, June 29, 2009

Overalottment: June 29

  • Must see: Interactive bank loan performance (Wlmlab, h/t Robert)
  • Guarantee Bank, 4th largest Texas bank, can only survive with aid from FDIC and private investors (Houston Biz Journal, h/t Steven)
  • Deja Vu (January): AIG warns of "Material Adverse Effect" as a result of deteriorating CDS sold to European banks (Bloomberg)
  • Deja Vu 2 (last summer): Nigerian militants to, with "unknown" financing sources, stop more oil production; unknown if they will also threaten all those Morgan Stanley tankers filled with crude (Bloomberg)
  • California will start issuing IOUs this week (FT)
  • Greenspan: Inflation - The real threat to sustained recovery, but not to pumping equities higher (FT, h/t Anderson)
  • Young Japanese raise their voices over economy (NYT)
  • Inflationary pressures are a legitimate concern (Technical Take)
  • $19 million in missing gold in Royal Canadian mint (Globe and Mail, h/t Gilgamesh)
  • China mega-trend stock stealth bull market (FSU)
  • Ivy League endowments finally dumb (WSJ)
  • Amazon drops another state's affiliates: now Rhode Island (WSJ)
Our deepest gratitude to Ronald, Shannon, Jeff, George, Mark, Kristian, Joseph, James and particularly Thomas for their very generious donations. Sphere: Related Content
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