- US ADP Employment Change (Jun) M/M -473K vs. Exp. -395K (Prev. -532K, Rev. -485K) (Bloomberg)
- Fed's Yellen says rates may stay near zero for years (Bloomberg)
- Banks falling 23% since may foreshadow S%P slump (Bloomberg)
- Karl Denninger: To Dennis Kneale - You're an idiot (Market Ticker)
- Too Bernanke to fail? (WSJ)
- Mortgage application index falls 19% last week, 7 month low (Bloomberg)
- A forecast with hope built in (NYT)
- 50% of American homeowners are near negative equity (Insurance Life Blog)
- Citi raises card rates on millions (FT)
- Fed's e-mail disclosure may chill confidential bank supervision (Bloomberg)
- Fed Funds closed at 7% on quarter-end demand (Bloomberg)
- The fed can't save the economy on its own (MarketWatch)
- Hedge funds get to feel like smart guys again (Bloomberg)
- Credit Cycle: Breakdown, Adjustment and Rebuilding in the Financial Sector (Wachovia)
- Let's be objective about the increase in the Fed's balance sheet (Northern Trust)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Frontrunning: July 1
Posted by
Tyler Durden
8:52 AM