Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend Reading

A personal thanks to the over 350 people (and growing... Zero Hedge record) who have taken the time to share their thoughts on the Paging the SEC post.
  • Breaking news: Military coup in Honduras, President Manuel Zelaya deposed (Sky News)
  • Louis Gerstner criticizes choice of Steve Rattner for auto task force czar (Bloomberg)
  • Plunge in Dubai biggest property developer Emaar leads to index collapse (Bloomberg)
  • Porsche rejects Volkswagen ultimatum, hope you loaded up on CDS (Marketwatch)
  • GM to cover future product-liability claims (WSJ) [Yet the Supreme Court had no qualms overruling an objection in the Chrysler sale based on just this issue.]
  • The collapse of residential real estate in China (Reuters, h/t Steven)
  • Novartis in talks to buy Elan (Reuters)
  • Iran arrests British embassy employees over UK protests (Bloomberg)
  • Four Seasons: the quandary of ultra luxury caught in a depression (NYT) Delinquencies on US Auto-backed securities jump 22% (Research Recap) 7 habits of highly suspicious hedge funds (Rick Bookstabber)
  • Most expensive real estate markets in the world: follow the commodity bubble (Infectious Greed)
  • First Nigaz, now Bengaz (Bloomberg)
  • Investor Sentiment: Summer Doldrums (Technical Take)
  • House members engaged in potential insider trading (The Plain Dealer, h/t E)\
  • Very, very wrong and very, very off topic (YouTube)
  • Chartology:
My sincerest gratitude for the generous donations by Linda, Ronald, Jeff, Brendon, Peter, Joseph, James, and Kristian. Sphere: Related Content
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