Hey Kids! It's time again for Marla's Romper Room!
Today we are going to play "Statistically Significant at the 95% Confidence Interval!" No sniveling Julie or you'll get the hose again.
Children, you have a very important mission! You know all the soft fuzzy bunnies we have in Marla's petting zoo? Well, of the 2923 bunnies in Marla's petting zoo, we are going to have to cruelly put to death 702 of them on tomorrow's program. Your job is to pick which bunnies you want to save!
Fun! Yay!
Each of you pick a group of your favorite bunnies and decide how many to save and how many to send to bunny heaven.
Let's see, Billy, for your group of 46 bunnies you have saved 39 and 7 get an afternoon of torment.
Well, Billy, your p-value is 0.165. Your effect isn't even statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval! It's not even obvious you tried. Go sit in the time out corner and have Tyler give you some razor blades to play with.
Jenny, let's see what you have. Of your group of 46 bunnies you have saved 41.
Jenny! Your p-value is 0.044! Congratulations, your effort is statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval! Good job. You get to play with mister scissors!
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Monday, June 1, 2009
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