The downsized plans for Valery Kogan's anex at 18 Simmons Lane, which were presented at last night's Greenwich, CT council meeting, were put on hold again (the last time Kogan tried to create the biggest septic nightmare in Greenwich, he was voted down 3-2). The original pro forma house at 54,000 sq. feet and 26 toilets would have been the largest single-family home built in Greenwich since new housing plans started being reviewed in 2001. The new proposal which called for only 38,000 sq. feet and 15 toilets was not voted upon by the commission.
Charles Lee, Kogan's neighbor from across the street, said the commission "objects to this proposal on three grounds: scale, traffic and use. It is a large government-like building (Ed. well, yeah, the guy is a Russian), and isn't consistent with Simmons Lane". Two neighborhood associations, the Northwest Greenwich Association and Round Hill Association also opposed the house, saying the structure is part of a trend of "megamansions" that threaten the quality of life in the city.
As for proposed additions in the anex, here is a summary of some of the items that were in the architectural plans:
- indoor pool in the basement
- 1,200 sq. foot gymnasium
- 12 person theater
- billiard room
- game room
- massage room
- wine cellar
- fiber optic lights that arch into the swimming pool
- guitar shaped patio
- winter garden with 4 statues
- septic system for 480 people (what is it with the plumbing fascination?)
When asked "why would anyone in a private residence who wasn't planning on massive entertainment want 15 toilets", Kogan's lawyer responded "There is a bathroom for each bedroom and then there are powder rooms to every part of the house."

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