Zero Hedge will be focused much more on the expense detail statements for firms such as Capstone and Greenhill, who are advising Chrysler and getting paid by the U.S. taxpayers, and also on whoever the financial advisors for Government Motors end up being: any transgressions will be promptly noted and disclosed for public ridicule.
And in addition to the other, more mundane and traditional expense-code violations where associates back fill a dinner at Nobu by adding on 20 different non-present people who at $30 per the maximum, comfortably allowing the staffer to impress his date with the $200 tip, the following more serious item is actually quite interesting: maybe someone can explain just what Lazard was doing on July 24 and 28th subcontracting a consulting project with E&Y called "Take Pub Bnk Private." Is there a way to get just a little more clairity on what this "project" entailed, who ordered it and, most relevantly, who shut it down?

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