Summers joined DE Shaw on October 19, 2006 as a managing director of the investment and technology department. Larry has recently been in hot water, for not only preaching Friedmanomics (quoted as saying Friedman's real contribution was "convincing people in the importance of allowing free markets to operate") as his administration is currently doing away with Mark To Market and covertly nationalizing the major banks, but also for accepting perks from Citigroup such as free rides on its corporate jet, for telling Chris Dodd to do away with executive pay caps at TARP recipient banks, and for sending Paul Volcker an imaginary memo entitled "stuff it."
The full financial disclosure document is attached below. One curious thing to note is that either Larry was drunk or high when he signed it, or else this document is counterfeit, based on the signature for "L.H.S" which is obviously not that of Larry Summers.
For comparison I present Larry's signature in the disclosure document:

with his omnipresent signature from his Treasury Secretary days (check out the signature in the bottom right of any 9 year old dollar bill in your back pocket).

Regardless of this particular conspiracy theory, ZH will be closely following any and all preferential treatment that DE Shaw (and the entire hedge fund industry in general) receives going forward compliments of Mr. Summers and the Obama administration.
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He must have been wasted.
Certainly a new way to print the date.
Maybe too many Oxy's.
He must have been wasted.
Certainly a new way to print the date.
Maybe too many Oxy's.
He must have been wasted.
Certainly a new way to print the date.
Maybe too many Oxy's.
He must have been wasted.
Certainly a new way to print the date.
Maybe too many Oxy's.
Holy cow. I just hit the button once and the comment showed up many times.
good grief, kooky conspiracy theories now slyler?,...come on, dont stoop to that level, you are better than that.
the LHS looks very similar in style to the L in Lawrence, H, and S in Summers to me. He just didnt write out the whole name. My signature is a mess also, and I would use a better one on the US dollar also.
Perhaps he did write those initials, but concern about the correctness of the info in it somehow blocked him from using his full signature?
What Larry Summers did for DE Shaw is more interesting than what Larry got paid. Former hedge fund manager David Goldman says his sources say Larry Summers was selling CDO's for DE Shaw:
MSM is running a similar story with the same evidence.
It's incredibly sad and not the kind of transparency we need.
Plain and simple - Its a form of warfare. Back in the day rulers commanded men to draw swords and defend their country. Now we plunder and impoverish our foes.
i think his signature on all those dollars when he was treas sec was actually counterfeit
It's on the NYT now...
Thank you Tyler for connecting the dots betweeen Summers nad DE Shaw
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