- CDS market investigated by U.S. Justice Department (Bloomberg)
- Geithner says global economy faces setbacks (Bloomberg)
- Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for first time ever, set to hit $2 trillion this fall (Wells Fargo and WSJ)
- German investor confidence falls (Bloomberg)
- BlackRock earns at least $71 million for managing taxpayer money (Bloomberg)
- The CIA's had plans to assassinate Al Qaeda leaders (NYT)
- Steve Rattner quits US Auto Task Force after showing how "quick and efficient" negotiations are to be done, to refocus on getting NY Pension Fund commitments for Quadrangle [I jest] (Bloomberg)
- And he leaves just in time - NY AG probe of Rattner over kickbacks heats up (Reuters)
- UK inflation falls below BOE's 2% target for first time since 2007 (BBC)
- Socialist heatmapping lottery de jour: CIT (Bloomberg)
- 450 most liquid CDS overnight movers (Markit)
- The 0% tax rate solution (WSJ)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Frontrunning: July 1
Posted by
Tyler Durden
7:18 AM