Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Frontrunning: July 15

  • Calpers suing rating agencies for "wildly inaccurate" credit ratings, seeking $1 billion (NYT)
  • Call for Fed transparency grows louder, getting mainstream (Financial Times, h/t Paul)
  • Congressman Edolphus Towns tells BofA it owes the government compensation (Bloomberg)
  • New flu resembles feared 1918 virus (Reuters, h/t SB)
  • Political contributions by investment banks (Open Secrets, h/t Bryan)
  • Dell's hell continues: Decoding the Dell analyst release (Daily Finance)
  • Intel jumps after Asian consumers buy computers (Bloomberg)
  • NV Broadcasting, operator of 14 TV stations, files for bankruptcy (Reuters)
  • Huffington sues Carlyle over fund collapse (WSJ)
  • VW, Porsche signal decision of integration to be announced July 23 (WSJ)
  • Business class travel drops 6% at Eurostar (BBC)
  • Sulzberger says NYT will pare debt with asset sales (Bloomberg)
  • Bloomberg follows up on Zero Hedge: GS VaR rises to Record (Bloomberg)
  • Germany's unemployment insurance contributions not enough to maintain funding, doubling expected (Handelsblatt, translated, h/t Tom)
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