Thursday, July 16, 2009

Frontrunning: July 16

  • Must read: Jonathan Weil on the Fed endorsed trampling of the gibberish known as accounting rules (Bloomberg)
  • Secret Sanction MOU - Regulators are secretly overhauling Bank of America (WSJ)
  • Another secret deal in the works: Citigroup (FT) - Dear President, where is all your touted transparency?
  • As even the UK is set to enhance banking transparency (FT)
  • CIT failure to cost $2.3 billion in taxpayer TARP funding, about what JPM earned this quarter (Bloomberg)
  • China's manipulated economic data beats expectations: one must get some benefit for the trillions in new debt (Bloomberg)
  • Goldman soon to get the biggest "look" ever (Bloomberg)
  • Geithner says US can't afford to put break on massive money printing... er growth, prematurely (Bloomberg)
  • Janet Tavakoli: What Wall Street owes you (CNN)
  • JP Morgan - Another bank with record investment banking fees in the biggest recession ever (Bloomberg)
  • What the Fed's exit strategy will mean for the economy (Delta Global Advisors)
  • Twitter calls lawyer over hacking (BBC)
  • Is Goldman evil? (Falkenblog)
  • Paul McCulley: What If? (PIMCO)
  • Dennis Kneale really needs to find another topic to discuss soon: Dennis, hope is great, but when it is unjustified, selling it is simply irresponsible, angled and merely so much more propaganda which ends up hurting your cause (CNBC)
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