A glimmer of hope? (The Economist)
Time for one of these in the U.S.? (Guardian)
Quants, ETFs, etc, This rally has an uneasy feel (Barrons, hat tip ygi)
Swine flu triggers alerts worldwide (FT)
Evans-Pritchard: The capital well is running dry (Daily Telegraph)
Relating S&P 500 price levels to GDP growth levels (Seeking Alpha)
British economy shrinks at fastest rate for 30 years (Guardian)
Debunking the derivative delirium (Dallas Federal Reserve)
IMF says west's deficits to stay sky high (FT)
How Wall Street and Washington betrayed America (Wallstreetwatch)
Must read: Trading volume separates bull markets from bear markets (Hussman Funds)

ILFC gets bargain basement bids (FT)
Goldman's hypocrisy never ends (Skeptical CPA)
Wall Street pay is already bouncing back (NYT)
Thanks to Wesley, Angela, and John for their generous donations