Also, 80 points swings in the Dow in a 20 minute interview are likely not an indication of increasing volatility. Especially when contrasted to stable spreads such as GLD/SPY which have solid beta to the market.

Cramer said ZH is a "buncha perma-Bears".
You have a great, amazing, fantastic blog. But you have a heavy heavy slant towards the bearish side. I know the data points that way but you will start to get the reputation of a "perma bear" if you arent careful.
Of course that's normal; what is normal these days? who would have thought JPM would be concerned about the thoughts of bloggers? Regardless of how really really ridiculously smart they are?
Also I noticed there has been a slight pickup in the volume in the last two days, I think the rally may be getting sold into.
You guys crack me up.
The market is going to do what it has to do...predicting twists and turns is a game for fools.
The objective of the game is to make money instead of never ending guesswork.
thank you so much for all the for all the information on the blog. It's much appreciated.
anon at 10:42 - you realize just how stupid and contradictory your statement is right?
The overall objective of an effective disinformtion website is what?
Dazzle them with brilliance and baffle them with bullshit.
With the insight ZH has provided on the negative. I'm certain he could find positives. IF THEY WERE THERE.
Lets hope we live to see the day when ZH has a positive bias.
Is TD going to pivot here on the 834-835 level, go long and finally make some $$?
Trade this market ZH, don't marry it for christ sakes.
anon @ 11:04,
there is no pivot point. it's laughable to think there's a comfortable long position here.
Anon 10:36 &10:37
Time for an adjustment?
I will be inclined to stop reading this blog the day Jim Cramer praises it. Perma-bear? WTF is that? And who cares?
Just keep doing what you've been doing at ZH. It's what set you apart from the herd of blogs out there.
Oh, and thank-you, again, for your exceptional work.
cramer? who honestly takes cramer seriously; i would hate to be that guys therapist but at the same time, he is such a propaganda tool. he actually has posters of dictators in the background
You mean the spread of something to the s&p has a beta to the s&p? You're a freakin genius
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