Aside from padding the pockets of AIG counterparties of course. Ponder this over lunch. The original at www.wallstats.comtakes a while to load but makes for a terrific college24" x 36" dorm room poster.
Don't you understand? It does not matter where your tax money goes. You will never have any control over it. No matter how much you bitch about it, now matter how you protest, or how many time you call your congress-person.
Don't you understand? It does not matter where your tax money goes. You will never have any control over it. No matter how much you bitch about it, now matter how you protest, or how many time you call your congress-person.
Tax Day Becomes Protest Day
Give this six months when headline unemployment is 11% and U6 is 25. This is gonna come down on top of the government whores like a ton of bricks.
And then what? .gov will mandate taxes taken directly from the bank accounts that they control.
Stop dreaming and wasting your time. Go study your charts.
'Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.'
George Washington
I can't even find the National Endowment for the Arts on the chart. Must be the size of this --> .
Those who live in dorm rooms typically pay zero taxes. So as a dormroom poster this chart would have a midly ironic title.
if i may repeat:
i'll take "(3) cut defense spending by 55 percent" for $380 billion please Alex.
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