- The DTCC's CNS naked short selling residue (Deep Capture) - must read for everyone curious about regulation SHO and the gimmickry going on in the equity shorting market.
- How Lehman got its real estate fix (New York Times)
- More glowering optimism from Templeton's Mark Mobius, who sees an EM bull market, and a boost to Mexican EPS despite H1B1 (here and here)
- "I can only hope this proves to be inflammatory nonsense" (Finem Respice)
- Gold may be off to the races above $950 (Bloomberg)
- Berkshire calls investment 4 replacement candidates' 2008 performance subpar, to succeed internally (Bloomberg)
- WHO prepares for a pandemic (WSJ)
And a personal note of gratitude for the amazing outpouring of support over the last two days - it has been unexpected, unprecedented and we are very thankful to have such generous readers. A personal thanks for donations by Andre, Barbara, Doss, Elaine, Hassan, John, Kevin, Kiran, Lexy, Mary, Matthew, Mugglenet.com, Scott, Sean and Sebastian.The upcoming depletion of resources (
New Scientist)
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