So as the ever vigilant world of bored bloggers makes it virtually impossible for any associate to enjoy 4 hours in business class, sipping on mimosas and crunching on a microwaved dish of assorted nuts, while pretending to be reading a pitchbook, we think it makes sense to alert the general public of these gratuitous opportunities to blow taxpayer money for worthless banker congregations. Each "conference" is rated along two axes: i) overall boondogglery factor based on geographic location and ii) wanton waste of taxpayer funds, both on a scale of 1 to 10.
Band of Countrywide Lynch: (TARP)
Credit Suisse: (no TARP)
March 01 - 03, 2009, Alternative Investment Managers CFO/COO Conference, Florida: i) 8/10, ii) 8/10
March 04, 2009, Geneva Autos 1-1 Conference, Geneva: i) 9/10, ii) 6/10
March 02 - 04, Private Equity Limited Partners Meeting, Palm Beach: i) 8/10, ii) 6/10
March 05, 2009, Hedge Fund Manager Roundtable, London: i) 6/10, ii) 7/10
March 10, 2009, Prime Services COO Hedge Fund Conference, London: i) 6/10, ii) 8/10
March 17, 2009, Retail Roundup, Boston: i) 5/10, ii) 8/10
March 25, 2009, Capital Services Hedge Fund Manager Forum, Zurich: i) 9/10, ii) 8/10
April 07, 2009, Greek Equities Conference, New York: i) 4/10, ii) 10/10
June 09 - 12, 2009, Convergence Conference (??), California: i) 6/10, ii) 10/10
February 16, 2009, Phil Gramm Lunch Seminar, Mandarin Oriental Tokyo: i) 8.5/10, ii) 6/10
February 18, 2009, Capital Introduction Forum, Soho Hotel London: i) 7/10, ii) 7/10
March 1, 2009, IB Global Energy Conference, One and Only Palmilla, Cabo San Lucas: i) 11/10, ii) 8/10
March 5, 2009, Nat Gas, Electric Power and Coal Conference, Hyatt Regency Austin TX: i) 8/10, ii) 6/10
March 17, 2009, Brazil 2009 Tenth Annual CEO Conference, Grand Hyatt Sao Paulo: i) 10/10, ii) 10/10
March 30, 2009, Australia/N.Z. Manager Showcase, Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore: i) 5/10, ii) 8/10
March 31, 2009, Australia/N.Z. Manager Showcase, Island Shangri-La Hong Kong: i) 9/10, ii) 8/10
April 22, 2009, Capital Introduction Forum, Soho Hotel London: i) 7/10, ii) 7/10
May 6, 2009, Tenth Financial Institutions, Beau Rivage Palace, Lausanne: i) 11/10, ii) 11/10
June 3, Capital Introduction Forum (in case you missed the prior two), Soho Hotel London: i) 7/10, ii) 7/10
Goldman Sachs: (TARP, weak)
February 25-27, Technology and Internet Conference, San Francisco Marriott: i) 7/10, ii) 9/10
Goldman Sachs: (TARP, weak)
February 25-27, Technology and Internet Conference, San Francisco Marriott: i) 7/10, ii) 9/10
March 3, Spanish Banks Symposium, GS Centre London: i) 8/10, ii) 6/10
March 17-19, 2009 Montreal Paper and Forest Investor, Sofitel Montreal: i) 6/10, ii) 5/10
JP Morgan: (TARP, also weak)
March 10-11, Aviation and Transportation Conference, JPM Conf New York: i) 4/10, ii) 5/10
May 18-20, Global Tech, Media and Telecom Conference, Westin Boston: i) 7/10, ii) 6/10
Merrill Lynch: (TARP, BofA, $35k commodes)
February 22, Investor Trip: Riyadh: i) 9/10, ii) 7/10
February 25, Investor Trip: Jeddah, Doha, Muscat, Dubai: i) 9/10, ii) 7/10
March 02-06, Investor Trip: Central/Eastern Europe: i )8/10, ii) 7/10
March 16-20, Investor Trip: Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya: i) 7/10, ii) 11/10
March 23-27, 10th Annual 1-on-1 conference, Sun City, South Africa: i) 9/10, ii) 7/10
May 12-14, Global Metals and Mining Conference, Barcelona: i) 9/10, ii) 6/10
Citi: (TARP)
March 5-6, Korea Investor Conference, Shilla Hotel Seoul: i) 9/10, ii) 6/10
June 24-26, India Investor Conference, Grand Hyatt Mumbai: i) 8/10, ii) 7/10
August 11-12, Asean Investor Conference, Ritz Carlton, Jakarta: i) 10/10, ii) 7/10
October 12-13, Taiwan Investor Conference, Shangri-La, Taipei, Taiwan: i) 11/10, ii) 9/10
October 14-16, China Investor Conference, Ritz Carlton Beijing: i) 8/10, ii) 8/10
Lazard: (no TARP)
March 25-26, Medical Technology Conference, Snowbird, Utah: i) 10/10, ii) 7/10
April 7, Cleveland Clinic Discussion of Medicine & Surgery, Cleveland, Ohio: i) 1/10; ii) 0.5/10
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