- Carmakers’ Woes May Cost Six Million Jobs, Union Head Says (Bloomberg)
- Mounting sadness behind the happy headlines (FT)
- Job losses push safer mortgages to foreclose (New York Times)
- In India, little demand for no frills car (Bloomberg)
- Simon Property Group says things in REIT land to get better... Rational people disagree (Investopedia)
- Goodbye globalization (Globe and Mail)
- Chrysler, 363 (f) and dealership agreements (Credit Slips)
- Porsche falls on refi concerns (Bloomberg) [How are those CDS doing?]
- US bond sale faces stiff market resistance (Telegraph)
- Roubini: Don't believe the optimists (Forbes)
- 180 Degree moment of the day: "World economy stabilizing" - Paul Krugman (Reuters, hat tip Mike)
- Reminder: Chrysler Sale Approval Hearing this Wednesday at 10:00 am in New York Bankruptcy court. Will be a firecracker. Show up early.

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