Luckily, ZH expected some potential foul play, which is why we copied the entire piece in its entirety and still have it available for readers who would rather be exposed to the truth instead of watching CNBC and other increasingly more censored media outlets.
As Zero Hedge anticipates getting a take down notice from the DT any minute, I would love to get the feedback of any lawyer readers as to what recourse ZH would have in that case.
Update: Zero Hedge has heard from representatives for Mr. Patterson who insist that the Telegraph article was removed because it contains factual errors:
The posts are based on a factually incorrect article that appeared in the UK tabloid, The Telegraph.Zero Hedge is happy to post any corrections that Mr. Patterson and his law firm would like to provide.
We have contacted The Telegraph, which has removed the article from its own site due to the fact that it fabricated, misquoted, and misstated MatlinPatterson's position.
Update 2: This is a letter that Zero Hedge received from Mr. Patterson's representatives unsolicited, which delineates MP's views on why Evans-Pritchard's article was "factually incorrect."
Update 3: Erudite and established financial blogs Naked Capitalism and The Analytic are two additional places that Mr. Evans-Pritchard's voice was captured and commented upon.
Update 4: Below is a copy of the panel in which Mr. Patterson participated at the Qatar Global Investment Forum. Perhaps, if no one else, his co-panelists, Harvey Shapiro of institutional investor, Johannes Huth of KKR and Shahzad Shahbaz of QInvest could share some of their perspectives on what was truly said. In fact, Zero Hedge is currently soliciting their recollections as well as transcripts from the conference organizers to get to the bottom of who really said what.
Update 5: The story has escalated, and now Naked Capitalism is also involved. Sphere: Related Content Print this post