For all readers interested (and able) in seeing the drama of the most critical bankruptcy since Lehman unwind in real life, the hearing over Chrysler's First Day Motions will be held tomorrow at 10:00 am in New York Bankruptcy Court at 1 Bowling Green, and is open to the general public (do not bring weapons: there is a metal detector for some paranoid reason). Nothing like watching lawyers' body language to see how they feel when they know their adversary is not only the administration, but Steve Rattner himself.
As there likely will be throngs of people trying to get into one of the 10 overflow rooms, we suggest appearing at least an hour in advance. However, tomorrow's hearing will be largely formulaic, and the real circus will occur at some point in mid May when Judge Gonzalez will hold a hearing on the 363 asset process. That one may very well be a spectacle for the ages.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
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