Summary of public preferred terms:

We are perusing the 8K currently.
Seems public preferreds are happy. C AA stock spiking after government announces conversion number of public prefs into common shares will be equal to the privates after all... unless we are reading this totally wrong...
update - odd selloff in preferreds now from highs of $9.75. Nothing to see here...

T Dizzle- your analysis couldn't have been more wrong. Hope you sold this AM. Citi tanking like the Titanic....-18%
variable was the definition of premium. seems citi meant parity after all. C is option value here.
Whats the biggest reason for this selloff? That all preferreds are going to be converted in equal numbers?
no f'ing clue what is going on anymore.
stock is going to break $1 today
what are odds of another short sell ban? keep in mind you are dealing with insane asylum patients
I like to consider all unknown odds to be 1 in 6. Given the people in charge of this fiasco, roll the die and hope for the Yatzee.
Exactly how many C shares/toilet paper are these worth at 95%.
Exactly how many C shares/toilet paper are these worth at 95% acceptance.
Pretty simple question.
You were happy to spread misinformation about the deal, but a simple question goes unanswered.
I have 162 of the series T preferreds. At 13 common shares per preferred - this is a great deal for me.
What date is this supoosed to happen? Will Citi send me a letter with the offer?
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