Friday, May 22, 2009

Frontrunning: May 22

  • CRE green shoot data point of the day: Recession turning malls into ghost towns (WSJ)
  • Geithner calls for "very, very substantial" change to Wall Street pay (Bloomberg)
  • Europe's worsening crisis (WaPo)
  • Roger Altman leaves Evercore, BlackRock's Scholsstein takes over (Bloomberg)
  • Weil: Jobs for bankers go begging at off-limits club (Bloomberg)
  • Why a bankrupt GM would be a disaster (BusinessWeek)
  • Luxembourg, Liechtenstein enter talks on tax treaty (Bloomberg)
  • Why PPIP has bankers squirming (FT)
  • Bberg realism provoking headline of the day: Libor has biggest weekly drop this year as banks grow less wary(Bloomberg)
  • AIG's Liddy leaves "terrible job" for successor to complete (Bloomberg) [Although with just $1.5 trillion in gross CDS gifts remaining, it should be a little easier]
  • Salmon: The US AAA rating: nothing to worry about (Reuters) [So does the fact that everying is worrying about it, mean everyone knows it is garbage? Does that mean that 30 year mortgages should be rated AAAA?]
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