Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Daily Telegraph To Un-Retract Patterson Piece?

In the latest spin of the Mark Patterson saga, Joe Weisenthal of Clusterstock notes that the most interesting developments may still come. Joe states:
According to a source familiar with The Telegraph's thinking, the story will return, as it is verifiable.
If, indeed, the story is reincarnated, it would cripple any integrity and credibility that Mr. Patterson may have, as not only would it turn out that he did in fact utter the blasphemous criticism of TARP and the administration, but subsequently hightailed it out of Dodge once his commentary had seen the light of day, and had his PR firm send takedown requests to various blogs (Zero Hedge included), in an attempt to stifle what was the alleged truth. While there is no definitive outcome yet, Zero Hedge has contacted numerous parties in Qatar and is hoping to be able to bring its readers the full transcript of that one fateful session of the Institutional Investor sponsored Qatar Global Investment Forum. Sphere: Related Content
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