Thursday, January 15, 2009

Death List Keeps Growing

We made some predictions yesterday about the bankruptcies to hit dockets today.... and they are starting to roll in:
  • Telecom company Charter not making coupon payments on the various notes we listed, to the tune over almost $75 million. 8% Notes of 2012 trading flat around 78
  • Smurfit Stone Container tells lenders it is likely filing for bankruptcy. Notes down 9 points to the single digits. Bloomberg notes that SSCC CDS in bps equivalent is roughly 19,000 over Libor... That'a a lot. They also juxtapose it to TIN, IP, and WY, all of which are sub 1000 bps, which could be read inversely as saying those three CDS are damn cheap
  • Perrenial Jefferies refi client ARG Enterprises which operates the fabulously named Black An(g)us restaurant chain pulling the plug

We will keep posting them as we seem em.

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