Thursday, April 9, 2009
Larry Summers Harassed By Code Pink
Posted by
Tyler Durden
2:28 PM
come to think of it, they do bring up some valid points.
hat tip Ian Sphere: Related Content Print this post
hat tip Ian Sphere: Related Content Print this post
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He's an economic hitman, and this time, the "emerging market" was the US!
TD, it is the reason I don't give any money to my alma mater - he ruined the endowment by not listening to an underling who happened to be a woman. The guy hates women and also he is such a smug ASSHAT
Next time leave the banner at home and bring a nice length of piano wire.
I have to comment... the hatchet job done on Summers re: his "sexist" speech is quite amazing.
You're right about that Cornelius, although Summers is loathesome and deserves much derision for his part in the economic mess. But as to his hating women, that is a mighty big stretch from his speech wherein he merely discussed the scientific evidence regarding cognitive differences between genders.
I completely agree with their action! These people are ridiculous.
Managing the economy? Get out of the way, los bozos. This is where your management has brought us.
Prior to seeing this video I've never heard of codepink but have just mailed them $100. Very, very few in our society will take action beyond bitching and whining on blogs about what is happening to our country (me included). The least I can do is support those that do.
Anon, i didn't send CodePink a donation, but i did email the founders my thanks and congratulations for being the only ones to take some action.
It amazes me that the vast majority of Americans don't seem to be the least bit upset about anything other than AIG bonuses.
Unfortunately i don't think the vast majority of Americans can read at a level sufficient to understand the ramifications of the Summers/Geithner plan. Which is exactly what Summers and Geithner are hoping for.
My fear is by the team the vast majority actually understand what has/is going on, the time for demonstration will be over and the time for revolution will be upon us.
Interrupting the Sat uplink 432.125 - 432.175 MHz/17.3–17.8 GHz, no sweat. Nice hack. Booya tooya Mr.
Fat Larry doesn't hate women. He simply has contempt for anyone not as "gifted" as himself. That wold be everyone. He's a know-it-all who is threatened by anyone who disagrees with him. His favorite method of argument is to raise his voice and speak over his opponent.
Larry Summers on the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999:
''Today Congress voted to update the rules that have governed financial services since the Great Depression and replace them with a system for the 21st century,'' Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers said. ''This historic legislation will better enable American companies to compete in the new economy.''
You too can be paid $5.2MM/year for 8 hours/week of "work" if you are willing to trade away the prosperity of future generations of Americans to Wall Street. Nice going Larry. At least your lifestyle is secure.
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