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We really hope Mr. Bernanke is enjoying the current market rally. Actually Ben, before you invoke yet another bank examination privilege, this was rhetorical - it is directed more at Mr. Cuomo. Andrew - is it about time to investigate whether Mr. Bernanke told AIG to be a little loose with providing P&L to its counterparties? Or maybe why Goldman's principal program trading is effectively driving markets and whether Mr. Bernanke's blessing is also involved in some way? Inquiring minds want to know.
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We really hope Mr. Bernanke is enjoying the current market rally. Actually Ben, before you invoke yet another bank examination privilege, this was rhetorical - it is directed more at Mr. Cuomo. Andrew - is it about time to investigate whether Mr. Bernanke told AIG to be a little loose with providing P&L to its counterparties? Or maybe why Goldman's principal program trading is effectively driving markets and whether Mr. Bernanke's blessing is also involved in some way? Inquiring minds want to know.