Thursday, March 5, 2009

Geithner Pick For Deputy Treasury Secretary Withdraws

Just when one thought the tragicomedy couldn't get any worse. WSJ just out that Annette Nazareth, who was Geithner's pick for Deputy Secretary Treasury, has withdrawn from consideration. It is not known yet if this was because she did or did not pay her taxes.


A second candidate, Caroline Atkinson, has withdrawn her nomination to oversee international affairs.

As WSJ reports:
The withdrawals aren't confined to the Treasury. Susan Tierney recently withdrew her name from consideration for the job of deputy secretary of energy for what a person close to her said were family reasons. Jane Garvey recently withdrew from consideration for the deputy secretary post at the Department of Transportation, according to people familiar with the matter.

People familiar with the matter said Ms. Nazareth and Ms. Atkinson withdrew in part because of the long vetting process, which had dragged on for weeks and included several rounds of intense questioning. Treasury is now said to be considering another person as deputy -- H. Rodgin Cohen, chairman of top law firm Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, who has been an adviser to virtually every firm on Wall Street, two people familiar with the matter said. Mr. Cohen declined to comment.

As our friend Chris Fountain puts it, if you are a democrat and have ever paid your taxes, you should go to D.C., there is definitely a job waiting for you there.

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Anonymous said...

Now that's the the only smart move I've seen by ANYONE remotely associated with US Treasury - either before or after the recent regime change in Washington.