AIG with their million dollar, manicure and pedicure all-inclusive trips to the Pacific coast a few days after a $100 billion dollar rescue by taxpayers, and now David Paterson, governor of a virtually bankrupt NY State. The man who
benefited the most from Client 9's downfall, was apparently packing his suitcases to fly out Thursday on a taxpayer-funded boondoggle to
Davos. While one could argue that hobnobbing with the likes of Maria
Bartiromo and Bill Gates is instrumental to
NY's budget reduction, the alternative case also has some merits. We, however, don't blame him for his desire to get away from it all... And "it all" includes a nearly $16 billion state deficit for 2009 (which NYC mayor
Bloomberg has put his foot down and said will
not be funded at the expense of New Yorkers), as well as a huge drop in his
electoral popularity over AG Andrew
Cuomo for the 2010 Governor race. With the poll differential declining from 49%/26% to only 35% for Paterson and 33% for
Cuomo, the Governor may want to focus on actually fixing the budget crisis, before he ends up having to pay with
IOUs like his
California counterpart.
What is wrong with all these people: AIG and their vacations, Thain and his commode, Vikram and the jet, and now this? When will someone enlighten the financial/ruling class what exactly the definition of a recession is.
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Perhaps you mean Andrew Cuomo?
indeed thx
And governor not senator in 2010?
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